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Submit your product review and get extra 400 Reward Points to use with future digital sheet music purchase

Thank you for your recent purchase from We really appreciate and hope your experience with us was top notch.

That's why we'd like to invite you to review your purchased sheet music and get EXTRA 400 Reward Points for your next order (extra points combined with the ones you got when you completed your order means 50% discount for your next digital sheet music!).

It's really simple and fast. This is what you do:

1. Login to
your admin

2. Go to your ordered sheet music product page

3. First click "Reviews & Digital ..." tab, then "Reviews" and finally click "Write a Review" button.

4. Rate and write your comment

5. Finally, click "Submit Review". That's it!

When you submit your reivew you will automatically recieve EXTRA 400 REWARD POINTS which you will be able to use with your next purchase!

We appreciate your submiting a review ;)